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importance sampling中文是什么意思

用"importance sampling"造句"importance sampling"怎么读"importance sampling" in a sentence


  • 重要性抽样


  • Maximum likelihood doa estimator based on importance sampling
  • Adaptive importance sampling algorithm for fuzzy - random failure probability
  • Estimating performance of block codes for both error detection and correction using importance sampling
  • Estimation on bers of digital fiber - optic communication links using importance sampling
  • Importance sampling in performance evaluation of long range dependence network traffic
  • Making importance sampling method suitable for sensitivity analysis of reliability parameter sensitivity
  • Importance sample method has the potential applied value in computer simulation of error control systems
  • And then we bring forward an approach to get the probability of steady - state based on gauss - seidel method and dynamic row - column techniques for the application of simulation in safety " analysis , sampling techniques for sparse events are discussed , and importance sampling method is brought forward to increase sampling efficiency
    论文提出了基于gauss - seidel方法与动态行列技术的分析方法。在仿真方面,主要探讨了安全性定量分析中稀有事件问题的抽样技术,并提出采用重要性抽样法,以提高抽样效率。
  • In the structure and mechanism reliability analysis , the monte - carlo method , the importance sampling method and the extended importance sampling method which is presented in this paper are applied into the t russ structure , the box structure , the shaft structure and the flexible four - linkage mechanism
  • This algorithm laid the foundations of other sampling inference algorithms , such as importance sampling algorithm and like - hood weight sampling algorithm . in this paper , the description of accurate and complexities of some kinds of sampling algorithms are presented on the basis of introduction to basic concepts of bayesian networks . first , the mathematical foundations of them are given here in view of statistics
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"importance sampling"造句  


In statistics, importance sampling is a general technique for estimating properties of a particular distribution, while only having samples generated from a different distribution rather than the distribution of interest. It is related to umbrella sampling in computational physics.
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